Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Test Post and a Story

I need a cigarette. I know I have one left, but I've still got ten minutes at work and I'm jonesing bad. I'm working a new contract today, first one to do it. It's easy enough. I guess the government is giving away cell phones now? Anyways, I know that my work can't be left alone, so I call boss people to tell them I'm leaving in ten, do they have anyone else lined up? Thanks for the call, Fritz! So there's my brown nosed brownie points for the day.
Clock out time. I gather up my bag, put my headset away and step outside. Light up the Marlboro. Ugh, man that's bad. It cost a dollar at the bar, though, so it tastes just fine. I decide to take the scenic route home, a walk to the college campus. Plenty of shade that way, and the rest of the scenery isn't too bad either.
I'm half way through, Sorority row to the right, a parking garage to the left. My sister emails the photo manip I asked her for, I stop to check it briefly. Not bad, I couldn't have done it as good, I knew I asked the right girl. I resume my walk when I see it. Sidewalk hogs. A girl and a guy, maybe they just met in art class. She has her easel in one hand, the fold up type. The other hand playfully reaches out to hit the guy. Maybe a crude joke, maybe a knee jerk reaction to a compliment. The guy smiles. He's wearing red pants. No judgement from me, I've got a pair at home. Dickies, the work style ones that boast about the built in cell phone pocket.
We get within about 20 feet of each other, walking towards each other. I move to my right, slightly, as is the custom. He moves to his left, closer to my path and locks eyes with me. In that brief moment his eyes tell a story. Something about hunters and gatherers, a man with a small knife killing a wolf, and maybe I should get the fuck on the grass.
Now, I like to think I'm a nice guy. I avoid fights, blah blah blah. But this gets to me. I can see the guy and his wolf much clearer now. That instinct kicks in and all of the sudden, my path is mine. I earned it. There is room for all three of us, in our respective sides.
The moment comes. As we collide, shoulder to shoulder, I can feel the hard work of eating a lot of beans and rice, drinking Mountain Dews and living a sedentary life bolster me. His foundation shakes and he turns to protest. Once again we lock eyes.
I can see him measuring the benefits of his vegan lifestyle. I can see him run from the wolf, the sounds of the rest of the pack growing closer.
He nods, a knowing nod, turns, and goes on about his day. I do the same.

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